Ola gjeilo northern lights translation
Ola gjeilo northern lights translation

ola gjeilo northern lights translation

Thou art beautiful, O my love, sweet and comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army set in array. Averte oculos tuos a me quia ipsi me avolare fecerunt. Pulchra es amica mea, suavis et decora sicut Jerusalem, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata. 52 (Lovesong Waltzes) Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897) 1. 3 (Evening Song) Josef Rheinberger (1839 - 1901) Northern Lights Ola Gjeilo (b. The Lake Isle Ola Gjeilo Tenebrae Ola Gjeilo Kristian Kvalvaag Thomas Gould. his website: /sheet-music/choral-satb-a-cappella/northernlights/ Words. YCCS Chamber Singers Pater Noster (Our Father, from Cantiones sacrae) Heinrich Schütz (1575 - 1672) Abendlied, Op. French text by Paul Verlaine English translation by Grant A. Chez Nous: Christmas with Elektra (2014) See Program Notes for information and text translations.Ola Gjeilo: Northern Lights (SSAA): Upper Voices And Accomp. This lists any discs, concerts or collections where this piece is included. Piano, Vocal and Guitar Melodyline, Lyrics and Chords.

ola gjeilo northern lights translation

It is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena I’ve ever witnessed, and has such a powerful, electric quality that must have been both mesmerizing and terrifying to people in the past, when no one knew what it was and when much superstition was attached to these experiences. Looking out from an attic window one Christmas close to Oslo, over a wintry lake under the stars, I was thinking about how this ‘terrible’ beauty is so profoundly reflected in the northern lights, or aurora borealis, which, having grown up in the southern part of the country, I have only seen once or twice in my life. About a ‘terrible’, powerful beauty, although the music is quite serene on the surface. This item: Northern Lights: Choral Works by Ola Gjeilo by Phoenix Chorale () by Intohimo Audio CD. Most of all, this piece and its text is about beauty. Note that in the preparation for the premiere and the recording, Ola encouraged us to take the tempo as written and not to let it get bogged down. This is a robust and demanding work, harmonically challenging and requiring strength and flexibility in equal measure. Bob Adamson, head of International Education.

ola gjeilo northern lights translation

The sound recording was originally available on iTunes as a single track, and as of October 2015 is also included in Elektra’s 13th CD: “Still”. Zhang Longxi, chair professor of comparative literature and translation, City University of Hong Kong Prof. Ola’s “Northern Lights”, well-known in its original SATB setting, was written for Elektra in 2014. Your browser does not support the audio element. Enter to browse & buy sheet music and albums, watch videos, listen to tracks, and to find more info about Ola's music.

Ola gjeilo northern lights translation